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Digital Scholarship Guides
Introduction to digital scholarship and digital humanities
GIS: Geographic Information Systems
Collections as Data
Introduction to Collections as Data
Collection platforms & tools
IIIF-supported repositories
Text as Data
Introduction to text as data
Building your corpus
Privacy Resources
Privacy consultations and resources
Session outline
Recommended Reading
Collections as Data (Readings)
Digital Humanities (Readings)
Platform & Tool Guides Guide
IIIF Manifest Guide
Digital Projects
Digital dissertations
Examples of Digital Projects
Digital dissertations
My Gothic Dissertation | {Podcast} | Anna Williams
Becoming Tapestry | {Podcast) | Kyle Matthew Oliver
Changing Lanes: A Reanimation of Shell Oil’s Carol Lane | {ArcGIS StoryMaps} | Melissa Dollman
Vanishing Leaves: A Study of Walt Whitman Through Location-Based Mobile Technologies | {Mobile game} | Jesse Alan Merandy
Multimodal Meaning Making | Sonia Estima
MADSpace | {Website}: Component of “Placing the history of advertising”: une histoire spatiale de la publicité à Shanghai (1905-1949) | Cécile Armand
The Objectivists | Steel Wagstaff
Vistas de la Frontera | Alyssa Quintanilla
Tactile Paths: On and Through Notation for Improvisers | {Website} | Christopher Williams
A Gospel of Health and Salvation: Modeling the Religious Culture of Seventh-day Adventism, 1843 - 1920 | Jeri E. Wieringa
MyDigitalFootprint.ORG: Young People and the Proprietary Ecology of Everyday Data | Gregory T. Donovan
How can you love a work, if you don’t know it?’: Critical code and design towards participatory digital editions | {Website and digital edition} | Amanda Visconti
Endless Questions: how to think while playing | {Scalar} | Dwayne Dixon
Anxiety in the Archives | {Podcast} | Elizabeth D. Headrick
The Anthropologist's Guide to the 21st Century: A Look at Online and Offline Car Culture in Central Texas | Joey Lopez
Barbarians on the Greek Periphery?: Origins of Celtic Art | Constanze Maria Witt
MADSpace | {Website}: Component of “Placing the history of advertising”: une histoire spatiale de la publicité à Shanghai (1905-1949) | Cécile Armand
Owning My Masters: The Rhetorics of Rhymes & Revolutions | {Rap album} | A.D. Carson
Shining Lights: Magic Lanterns and the Missionary Movement, 1839-1868 | {Scalar} | Mary Borgo Ton
Weaponized Landscapes | Mary Kavanagh
We Rock Long Distance: M.anifest and the Circulations of Diasporic Hip-Hop | Justin Schell
Raising Creativity | Rebecca Zak
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GIS: Geographic Information Systems