IIIF-supported repositories

A non-comprehensive alphabetical list of repositories with digital objects (some or all) that have IIIF manifests. If you notice that a repository you use for sourcing IIIF images is not on this list, please email Kiran Mohammadi-Williams at kam535@cornell.edu to have it added.

Tips for Finding Manifests

Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether the image you’ve found already has an IIIF Manifest that you can use or not. The web page you’re on might not make it obvious, and some universities bury the IIIF Manifest at the bottom of the page or in a side tab. Here are tips for finding the IIIF Manifest on a page:

  • Look for the IIIF logo International Image Interoperability Framework logo, three letter 'i's followed by one letter 'f'. Usually it’s red and blue, but sometimes it appears in all grey. You may need to click on the logo to download a manifest.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen. Some institutions place the IIIF Manifest at the bottom of the list of metadata under the image.
  • Press Command + F on your keyboard and search for “IIIF” or “manifest”. You’ll likely be able to find the text for the manifest link on the page.

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