Welcome to the collection platforms & tools page! Discover your new favourite way to make an engaging digital collection, database, visualization, map, and other public-facing piece of digital scholarship through the list of tools available below. This list is by no means exhaustive, and prioritizes open-source, free tools when available. If you notice that your favourite tool is missing, email Kiran at kam535@cornell.edu.
Collections & exhibits
Data visualization
ChartBlocks | Charts of all shapes and sizes. Web-based, free.
Datawrapper | Charts, maps, tables, etc. Web-based, free.
Flourish | Charts, data mapping, etc. Web-based, freemium.
Kumu |
Knowledge trees and mind maps. Web-based, freemium (student and public projects free, private projects $9+/month).
Tableau Public |
Various, multi-media visualizations. Web-based, free.
Superset | Data visualization, mainly charts. Web-based, open-source, free.
Google Charts | Basic charts, maps, and diagrams. Web-based, free.
Infogram | Interactive charts, maps, infographics, reports, etc. Web-based, freemium.
Jupyter Notebook | Web-based development environment. Open-source, free.
Knight Lab (timeline.js, juxtapose.js, storyline.js, storymap.js) | Timelines, image sliders, storylines, and multi-media story maps. Web-based, free, open-source.
Power BI | Data analytics and visualization powered by Microsoft. Freemium.
RAWGraphs | Heatmaps, charts, tables, etc. Web-based, open-source, free.
SankeyMATIC | Sankey diagrams. Web-based, open-source, free.
Shiny | Web apps, including custom visualizations, in Python or R. Open-source, free.
Network Navigator | Auto-populating network data visualizations from a CSV file. Web browser tool.
Vega | Language for creating, saving, and sharing interactive a wide range of visualization designs.
Flare | Software for creating unique interactive visualizations.
Mapping tools
ArcGIS Online | Interactive web maps. Web-based, free.
StoryMaps | Multi-media interactive exhibits based around maps/location. Web-based, free.
Storymap.js (Knight Lab) | Multi-media interactive exhibits based around maps/location. Web-based, open-source, free.
Allmaps | Georeferencing and mapping with IIIF manifests. Web-based, free.
Web-building tools
Audio, oral history, and transcription tools
DataTables | Interactive tables for organising and presenting data.
Datasette | Tool for exploring and publishing data. Open-source, free, web-based.